Are you looking for Mahabharata quotes?
Explore deep and timeless quotes from the Mahabharata,
one of the greatest epics in world literature.
Delve into its teachings on life, duty (dharma),
righteousness, and the complexities of human nature.
Discover wisdom from iconic characters like Lord Krishna,
Arjuna, and Yudhishthira, offering insights on courage,
morality, and the path to self-realization.
Let these powerful quotes inspire you
to navigate the challenges of life with strength and wisdom.
Dharma is that which upholds and supports the world.
You have the right to perform your actions, but you are not entitled to the results.
Austerity and penance are the greatest weapons of a righteous man.
The greatest enemy is the one within.
Ignorance gives rise to doubt which leads to sin and regret.
Mahabharata Quotes

Those who are driven by desire know neither fear nor shame.
free of the five evils that assail men: excessive sleep, fear, anger, weakness of mind, and procrastination.
Forgiveness is the virtue of the virtuous, it is a great sacrifice. Forgiveness is as important as all sacred rituals.
Krishna was the unborn original Personality of Godhead, appearing on earth to destroy demonic men and to establish the eternal religion, pure love of God
According to the sacred texts, there are three kinds of fathers. In proper order, they are the one who gives a body, the one who protects, and the one who provides food.
Kings have five natural friends: Learning, courage, skill, strength, and patience.
Nevertheless, you have cursed me, not out of dharma, but out of desire. Therefore, your desire will never be satisfied. No rishi’s son will ever accept your hand. You have said that my knowledge will never bear fruit. So be it. But it will bear fruit for the one I teach it to.
Those who have wives can be householders. Those who have wives are happy. Those who have wives have good fortune. Sweet-spoken wives are friends in solitude, fathers in religious acts, and mothers in suffering.
Time never moves, it is we who move through time (Mahabharata, Udyoga Parva, 10.13)
A wise man laments neither for the living nor the dead. Both you, I, and all these assembled Kshatriyas have always existed and will always exist. We are eternal souls, passing from body to body. Even in this life, we see how the body changes, even though we remain the same person. In the same way, when death comes, we are given a new body. A self-controlled person is not bewildered by such a change
No one belongs to me; I belong to no one. There is no ‘I’ or ‘mine’; all is blissful aloneness
The one who has conquered his mind is free from all sorrows and fears
The iron law of politics: The poor are weak; the wealthy are powerful
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In this world, righteousness is the highest good; let no man, therefore, cease from acts of piety and virtue.
I also know the difference between anger and forgiveness and the strengths and weaknesses of each. But when a disciple behaves disrespectfully towards a preceptor, it should not be condoned.
In this world, there is nothing as pure as knowledge. (Bhagavad Gita, 4.38)
Desist, brother. Great men never care for the harsh words uttered by inferior men. Even if able to retaliate, they do not take seriously acts of hostility, preferring instead to remember even a little good that their enemies may have done them
One can never return a true favor done in goodwill. The first gift was free and open, and the return only responded in kind.
Unlike a cow, the fruits of evil actions are not immediate. Such fruits are certainly manifested, if not in one’s own life, in one’s son, or in one’s grandson. They are like a heavy meal in the stomach.
Desire never ends by fulfilling it, just as fire is never quenched by pouring ghee into it; it only grows stronger. (Mahabharata, Adi Parva, 84.12)
And, having killed him (Abhimanyu), your people danced around his dead body like savage hunters exulting over their prey. All good men in the army were grieved and tears rolled from their eyes. Even the birds of prey, that circled overhead making noises seemed to cry ‘Not thus! Not thus!
The faces of friends and foes like clouds change from moment to moment.
Sharmishtha said, “O king! It is no sin to commit a falsehood in five cases – in jest, to women, at the time of marriage, when confronting death, and when all one’s riches are liable to be lost.
As time passes, everyone reaps the consequences of their actions. (Mahabharata, Shanti Parva, 123.19)
The life of a fool is empty of faith and full of fears
Happiness cannot be attained by the weak; it can only be achieved by those who have strength.

Experience the joy of realizing the god in your soul
The wise have said that a man is himself born as his son. Therefore, a man should regard the mother of his son as his own mother. … The wife is the sacred ground in which the husband is born again. Even sages are unable to have offspring without wives.
No one can compare to a leader who upholds his duties with honesty and justice.
Yudhisthira replies that anger leads to evil and should not be indulged; better far is forbearance
From this day, if a stupid Brahmana commits the crime of drinking wine, he will be considered to have committed the crime of killing a Brahmana
Man is the slave of money, but money is no man’s slave
Peace comes from within. When one conquers his inner enemies, peace will come automatically.
It is better to die in the path of righteousness than to live a life of sin and misery.
He is considered to be learned if anger, pride, and too much joy do not affect his talent.
Here, friends and relatives forsake a man who has lost his wealth. There, the gods and their lord forsake one whose merit has been diminished.
Righteousness can endure everything, and everything emanates from righteousness.
O guide of the Ganas! be thou the writer of the Bharata which I have formed in my imagination, and which I am about to repeat.
The true teacher is one who helps you realize the divinity within yourself
Who understands quickly, pursues objects with judgment, listens patiently, Wastes not breathe on others’ affairs; possesses foremost mark of wisdom truly
Today, I will lay down a law in this world for the fruits of one’s deeds. No sin will be committed by anyone who is below the age of fourteen years.
Then Krishna also decided to return home. As he was departing he spoke affectionately to Yudhisthira. “O King, cherish all your subjects with ceaseless vigilance and patience. As the cloud is to all creatures or the large tree to the birds, so should you become the refuge to your dependants.
The weak cannot forgive; the strong can, forgiveness is an attribute of the strong
Whose intended acts, proposed counsels – remain concealed from enemies, whose acts are known after they have been done – is considered wise only
It is said that abandon one for the sake of the lineage. Abandon a lineage for the sake of a village. Abandon a village for the sake of a country. Abandon the earth for the sake of the soul
Di medan perang, manusia jahat itu memang tidak bisa dikalahkan
The mind is everything. What you think, you become.
The greatest virtue is to bear insult without resentment.
One should never give up on truth and justice, even if it seems difficult to achieve them
A gift without sweet words is like a dish without a dessert—such gifts give no satisfaction without flattery.
Success that is obtained by negotiations and other means is the best. Success which is secured by battle is the worst.
Altercations are nothing but the resort of the weak
Providence controlled everything. Men were simply instruments of destiny, driven by desire and hate. The
The world is a place of sorrow and suffering. No one can escape it.
A wife’s love is stronger than affection for a brother.
knowledge, which is merely so much undigested information crammed into the mind, cannot instill virtue.
Hatred is like poison. It only hurts the one who harbors it.
What preserves life is holy and, therefore, what grants life is what is holy.
Do not trust those who are not trusted, but those who are credible should not be trusted too much.
A man’s judgment does not swallow destiny. Destiny swallows judgment.
The wounds inflicted by weapons may close in time; scalds may heal gradually; but wounds inflicted by words remain painful as long as one lives.
A jealous person, burns with others, disgruntled, angry, doubtful, and dependent on others always remains unhappy
Time decays everything, including friendship. … No friendship can be found in a world that does not age; desire and anger both destroy it.
Real renunciation was something internal, not external. One who did his duty in a mood of detachment was the true renunciant, not the man who gave up his duty.
All creatures are equal in suffering and death.
Live your life very carefully, since there would be a lot of thrones on your path.
You see the faults of others, even though they are as small as a mustard seed. But you do not see your own, even though they can be seen as large as a bilva fruit. … O Duhshanta! My birth is nobler than your own. O lord of kings! You are established on earth. But I roam the sky. Know that the difference between you and me is that between a mustard seed and Mount Meru.
You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results, nor be attached to inaction.
Scriptural knowledge is successful when it results in humility and good conduct, wealth is successful when it is both enjoyed and given away in charity, and marriage is successful when the wife is enjoyed and bears offspring.
A wise man should not grieve for the things which he has not but rejoice for those which he has.
Those who try to remove the sufferings of others would have no suffering in their own life.
Like a pig searches out filth, the fool seeks out evil words, when he hears good and evil in men’s speech. … Those who seek no evil live happily. But fools are happy when they find evil.
For one who is born, death is certain; and for one who dies, birth is certain. Therefore, you should not lament over the inevitable.
Over-attachment for one’s close relatives is simply born of ignorance. Every creature in the world is born alone and dies alone. He experiences the results of his own good and evil deeds and in the end, leaves the present body to accept another. The belief that one person is the relation of another is nothing more than an illusion
Truthfulness, purity of mind and heart, self-control, and austerity are marks of Dharma
The day I was born I made my first mistake and by that path have I sought wisdom ever since.
It is better to live your destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.
Time brings existence and non-existence, pleasure, and pain. Time creates all elements and time destroys all beings. … Time cannot be conquered. Time walks in all elements, pervasive and impartial
You have the right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions.
What is the greatest wonder in the world? That, every single day, people die, Yet the living thinks they are immortal.
When duty is neglected, calamity follows like the wheel of a cart
It is better to live one day as a lion than 1000 years as a jackal.
Among All Kind Of Killers, Time Is The Ultimate Because Time Kills Everything
No curse does not have a remedy. O snakes! But he who has been cursed by his mother has no remedy.
Dharma, when destroyed, destroys; Dharma, when protected, protects.
Pleasure from the senses seems like nectar at first, but it is as bitter as poison in the end.
Anger clouds reason and leads to destruction.
One who sees inaction in action and action in inaction – he is a smart man
One who is afflicted by destiny can find a remedy in destiny alone.
Seek to find your duty in the actions you wish to perform
When everything in this world is temporary, why do you grieve for that which is lost?
The highest dharma is to uphold the truth.
The strength of a thousand is not as powerful as the strength of one with faith.
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