Are you looking for up movie quotes?
Relive the magic with the best Up movie quotes
from Pixar’s heartwarming adventure.
From Carl and Ellie’s touching moments to
Dug’s lovable lines, explore the most
inspiring and emotional quotes.
Perfect for Disney fans and movie lovers!
You don’t talk much. I like you! ~Ellie Fredricksen
You poured prune juice in his gas tank. — Construction Foreman Tom
(To Carl) You don’t talk much… I like you! — Young Ellie
We made it – Carl
Carl: Tell your boss he can have my house.
Up Movie Quotes

Imagine all the wonderful things that will never happen if you do not let them. – Ellie
Soon enough, the bird will be ours yet again. Find the scent, my compadres, and you too shall have much rewarding from Master for the toil factor you wage.
I am here with the bird, and I will bring it back, and then you will like me. Oh, gotta go. – Dug about Kevin
Dug: I was hiding under your porch because I love you. Can I stay?Carl Fredricksen: Can you stay? Well, you’re my dog, aren’t you?
This is crazy. I finally meet my childhood hero and he’s trying to kill us. What a joke. — Carl
My name is Dug. I have just met you and I love you – Dug
You and me, we are in a club now. I saw where your balloon went. Come on, let’s go get it. – Ellie to Carl Fredricksen right before they set off on their greatest adventure together (marriage)
Russell: You came back for Kevin. Let’s go get her.Carl Fredricksen: I’ll get her. You stay here.Russell: But I wanna help.
Oh! Mr. Fredricksen! If we happen to get separated, use the wilderness explorer call: CA – CA! RAWRRR! — Russell
My master made me this collar. He is a good and smart master, and he made me this collar so that I may speak. Squirrel! – Dug
I promise to capture the beast alive. And I will not come back until I do! — Charles Muntz

Hi There! My name is Doug. I have just met you, and I love you. – Dug when he first encounters Carl and Russell
Thanks for the adventure—now go have a new one! – Ellie in her final message to her husband
True love is hard to find. When you find it, take good care of it while you still have time. ~Carl Fredricksen
I am nobody’s master, got it? I don’t want you here, and I don’t want you here. I’m stuck with you. If you two don’t clear out of here when I count to three… – Carl
We have to protect him – Russell
Cross my heart – Carl
We’re on our way, Ellie.- Carl Fredricksen
Tell your boss over there that you boys are ruining our house. ~Carl Fredricksen
A wilderness explorer is a friend to all, be a plant or fish or tiny mole! – Russell, ‘Up’.
Also visit: Wednesday Addams Quotes
But he promised he’d come to my Explorer ceremony to pin on my Assisting the Elderly badge. – Russell about his father
Don’t you know this is an exclusive club? Only explorers get in here. Not just any kid off the street with a helmet and a pair of goggles. Do you think you got what it takes? Well, do you? – Ellie Fredricksen
You’d better get up, Russell. Or else, the tigers will come and eat you. — Carl
Russell: Can we keep him, please?
Yeah, but… can I tell you a secret? – Russell
The wilderness isn’t quite what I expected. ~Russell
Good afternoon. My name is Russell, and I am a Wilderness Explorer in Tribe 54, Sweatlodge 12. Are you in need of any assistance today, sir?
See these? These are my Wilderness Explorer badges. You may notice one is missing. It’s an ‘assisting the elderly’ badge. If I get it, I will become a Senior Wilderness Explorer! — Russell
You know Carl, these people who come here, they all tell pretty good stories. A surveyor making a map, a botanist cataloging plants, an old man taking his house to Paradise Falls. And that’s the best one yet. I can’t wait to hear how it ends. – Charles Muntz There are no Tigers in South America. Zoology.— Russell
Hey, uh, why don’t you get some sleep? – Carl
That’s it! You can take us there in a blimp! Swear you’ll take us. Cross your heart! Cross it! Cross your heart ~Ellie Fredricksen
Carl Fredricksen: So you want to assist an old person? Russell: Yep! Then I will be a Senior Wilderness Explorer! – ‘Up’.
Goggles. Look at this stuff. Wow! You’re going on a trip? — Russell
Visit: Value of Time Quotes
Russell: A wilderness explorer is a friend to all, be a plant or fish or tiny mole!Carl Fredricksen: That doesn’t even rhyme! Russell: Yeah it does.
That might sound boring, but I think the boring stuff is the stuff I remember the most. — Russell
Carl: Look, why don’t we play a game I know? Whoever is quietest for the longest time wins.
What have I got myself into, Ellie? – Carl
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